Handball is a fun sport often misunderstood. The sport is great for all ages, men, and women. Here are some fun facts about handball and why you should give it a go.
The best bits
Handball is said to take the best bits of football, basketball, and Waterpolo. It has tried to combine them to make one great sport.
Foul as much as you want
While in many sports there is a restriction on the number of fouls, in handball there is none, foul away!
Take it to the beach
There is a beach version of handball aptly called ‘Beach Handball’ that is growing in popularity.
It takes big balls
While the sport takes a little bit of courage to play, that is not what I mean. The ball size changes depending on who is playing. Children play with one size, women with another and men with another size. It is important to be able to grasp the ball so size matters!
It’s an ancient sport
The origins of the sport are said to go as far as ancient Greece so its not a flash in the pan.
It’s one of the largest sports in the world
Far from a flash in the pan handball is considered to be the second biggest sport in Europe!
Be careful
A player can’t move more than 3 steps with the ball and can only hold the ball for three seconds. In the American version, a player is only allowed to move one step before he has to pass the ball to another player.
There you have it, some of the fun facts that make handball an incredible game to play. It is a sport that is easy to pick up and tough to master so it is fantastic for a casual game with friends, fun to join a social league, or even to try and take a bit more seriously and go for the handball hall of fame. Whatever you decide, give it a try, you won’t regret it.